Insulin 100 News

The Discovery of Insulin Special Centenary Edition

The University of Toronto Press announces the publication of a special century edition of Michael Bliss’s The Discovery of Insulin to be published September 1, 2021. With a new preface by Michael Bliss and a foreword by Alison Li, this edition honours the one hundredth anniversary of insulin’s discovery and its continued significance a century later. Pre-order now and save up to 35%.

The Discovery of Insulin Special Centenary Edition

The discovery of insulin at the University of Toronto in 1921–22 was one of the most dramatic events in the history of the treatment of disease. Insulin, discovered by the Canadian research team of Frederick Banting, Charles Best, James Collip, and John Macleod, was a wonder drug with the ability to bring diabetes patients back from the very brink of death. It was no surprise that in 1923 the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded for its discovery.

In this engaging and award-winning account, historian Michael Bliss draws on archival records and personal adventures to recount the fascinating story behind the discovery of insulin – a story as much filled with fiery confrontation and intense competition as medical dedication and scientific genius.

Insulin 100 News

J.B. Collip and the discovery of insulin

J.B. Collip [UT Insulin collection]

On May 19, 2021, Alison Li spoke at a symposium (via Zoom) to be held by the McGill University Division of Endocrinology to commemorate the discovery of insulin. She focussed on the role of J.B. Collip in the coming of insulin and his contribution to the flourishing of endocrine research at McGill during the 1930s and 40s.

On June 16, 2021, she participated in 100 Years of Insulin, a half-day seminar held by the Alberta Diabetes Institute to celebrate the anniversary. The talk highlighted the connection of Collip’s experiences at the University of Alberta to his contributions to the insulin research. This half-day seminar included talks by several speakers including Ray Rajotte and James Shapiro of the team that developed the “Edmonton Protocol” for islet transplantation.

Her article “Success Has Many Parents: J. B. Collip’s Role in the Discovery of Insulin” appears on the Defining Moments Canada website.